Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Cycling Utah........

Last week, I slipped out to the Mountains of Utah with a buddy for a few days of cycling....
The trip included one Big day and other smaller rides of 50miles or so, but the 4 days of riding included was over 300miles, 30,000+ ft of climbing and lots/lots of water & Gatorade!!
These are the views I had all week....
Me at the Top of a 3.5mile climb......
Headed up the Mirror Lake HWY in the Uinta Mountain range, the ride as 106miles long, 6.5 hours of riding and this climb was 30miles from the bottom to the top
--or about 2:15min of riding uphill......
Are we there yet? (VIDEO)

WOW- well worth the effort!!! Then it was 1hr straight of going downhill really fast!
At some points we were over 50mph--on less then 1" of rubber..........
That road in the background is what we assended.....

THE Crew= John Lynch-Andy (only 17yrs) -Aron Rauls
It was a great trip, rode hard and rested even harder!

Big Thanks for JL for the invite, he always takes good care of you.....
Glad to be home, missed the family!!!

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