Thursday, July 30, 2009

Hunt'n' for BEARS....O My......

litte issues with getting the Blog set-up correclty, but here ya are....

JR and Daddy on a hike.....
He enjoys it, but it's getting tougher for DAD each month!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Cycling Utah........

Last week, I slipped out to the Mountains of Utah with a buddy for a few days of cycling....
The trip included one Big day and other smaller rides of 50miles or so, but the 4 days of riding included was over 300miles, 30,000+ ft of climbing and lots/lots of water & Gatorade!!
These are the views I had all week....
Me at the Top of a 3.5mile climb......
Headed up the Mirror Lake HWY in the Uinta Mountain range, the ride as 106miles long, 6.5 hours of riding and this climb was 30miles from the bottom to the top
--or about 2:15min of riding uphill......
Are we there yet? (VIDEO)

WOW- well worth the effort!!! Then it was 1hr straight of going downhill really fast!
At some points we were over 50mph--on less then 1" of rubber..........
That road in the background is what we assended.....

THE Crew= John Lynch-Andy (only 17yrs) -Aron Rauls
It was a great trip, rode hard and rested even harder!

Big Thanks for JL for the invite, he always takes good care of you.....
Glad to be home, missed the family!!!

Monday, July 27, 2009

Bath Robe

JR struts and shows off his robe after his 6:30 bath........
Whatever you do, don't raise your arms!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

THAT's Just Funny!

The Baby Evian Water commercial.......Funny!

Momma's a Star....

My amazing wife at work......

If you or someone you know would like additional information on Sexual Harassment or Discrimination contact her at: don'

ps- wow, you are smoken hot!!!!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Double Day cont.........

After work today (Tuesday) I'm headed out to Mountains of Utah with a buddy for 4days of bike riding......Excited to go, love to ride up hill for hours, but already miss my little man and his momma'.

This trip will include lots of riding, lots of watching the Tour on TV and a mandatory nap everyday! My poor wife is stuck back in the STL at Admin. meetings (ZZzzzzzzzzzz) and chasing a very active little boy while being 6months pregnant......

Q- How'd you pull that off?
A- I have no idea, but nobay say anything till my plane is off the ground!

My host for the week- John "Hammer the Hills" Lynch

Double Day.......

Today's going to be a Combo Post day, so keep up.......
Special Tuesday Double am/pm Post!

Last week was a rough one for the Rauls House,
first Katie got some Botox
(I'm kidding--she's gorgeous and doesn't need a thing!)
My beautiful wife had a Dr. dig on her face
and she's been doing her best impression of Nellie all week.

Then Joseph rammed his arm into another kids face!
I got a call from JR's school--
School: Mr. Rauls I just wanted to let you know, Joesph was bitten at school today
Me: Seriously
School: Yes, he's fine- it didn't break the skin
note to self: Teach my son, when someone comes at you with their chompers wide open, move your arm!

They don't tell you, who done it.....

but it's either the bully who doesn't like POP't' collars,

or the little girl he keeps trying to kiss.......

Monday, July 20, 2009

So are you having a Boy or Girl?

final guess...........

It's a...............

BOY! A house filled with testosterone......

daddy, am I cool?

Let see......
Crocs= Check
Hair= Check
Britches= Check
Collar "pop't'"= BIG ol' CHECK!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Big Bird.......

We were taken over by a Mommy bird about a month ago....and being that we're expecting also, Kate has some sort of connection to these feathered friends.

JR loves them, there are now 2 babies--

Daddys hoping they leave soon, so he can replant some flowers.....

ps- telling you husband not to film you = you're being posted world wide on his blog!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

When the babysitter doesn't show....

Strap em' in.....Just Kidding (don't send me any hate mail!!!).....
Our neighbor brought us an old car seat they never used
and JR wanted to sit it and get buckeled--don't know why.....
So then to be funny, I heard mommy coming home, so I ran into the other room......
Joesph was laughing, mommy however was not laughing at first.....

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Whipped Cream.......

Just a little Family fun after dinner one night.....
Whipped Cream....

Note: the finger touching is sign language for "more"....

Monday, July 13, 2009

random photo....

Was going through photo's on the camera and found this.....
I don't know why he's on the counter,
why he has no cloths on or
why he only has one sock....
but I thought it was still cute.....

Friday, July 10, 2009

Rain, Rain go away.....

It's tough to keep a little dude only 16months old occupied indoors all day.....
Our big event today, HomeDepot!!

Thursday, July 9, 2009

2 great years!

We can't believe it's already been 2years.....
But last weekend we celebrated our anniversary. Kate and I decided we would rotate years for planning that nights event and this year it was her turn....
We toasted the 2yr mark with our original glass's
that we've used for our engagement, wedding and 1st anniversary.
ps- It's grape juice!!

We went to the Boat House in Forest Park, great atmosphere-good meal!

Then we headed to the Arch for Fair STL with 12,000 of our closest friends...and listened to the Counting Crows, but rolled back home prior to the Fireworks......We are always in bed to early and haven't seen fireworks in years, maybe next year!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Jo, Jo.....line one

Hello.....can you hear's Jo-Jo

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

#1 reason to have kids.......

so they can cut the grass......

Or at least that's what I thought growing up, but I'm still teaching JR at a young age!!

Do you ever wear pants??????

Monday, July 6, 2009

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Tiger Woods, kinda-maybe

So of course, we got JR some golf clubs (plastic, for around the house)

and he took off hitting the ball around the house........

Friday, July 3, 2009

Dog days of summer.....

Fun Fact 101~~
July 3rd is the official start of the "Dog days of summer,"
not because of the summer heat
but because of the great view of the star constellation Aquinas......
It's also our 2nd wedding anniversary,
so we'll be celebrating tonight,
but this morning, it was a visit to our local Grants Farm for some family fun........

We caught the tram into the park and looked at the animals....

We fed the goats.....
We rode the carousel.....
caught an elephant show......

Looked at the horses....

grabbed a free beer (only me...) and a family photo...

an caught the train back to the car, all in time for a noon nap......
It's 3 now & he's still sleeping, worn out!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Cuddle up with Daddy.....

JR and I playing in his blanket......