Sunday, December 14, 2008

Momma' Marathon.....

So 9 months ago, Katie (pre-JR) decided she was going to run a marathon after Joseph was born! 8-months postpartum, JR's Mom completed that goal by running the Memphis Marathon.......It wasn't the fastest recorded time, but she suffered her way through it and got to the finish line! WAY TO GO MOMMY!!!!
Only 2% of the population actually run a marathon, only 1% of those ever run another--Katie's is a very small fraternity of those who have run 5, 1 being with-in 1yr of the baby.......

JR & Daddy Made shirts for the Day!
At the start!
Katie and our loyal reader, Stephanie, from Texas!
This thing has gone National!
Mommy right after the race!
We took JR to the Peabody to watch the Ducks
walk from their fountain to the elevator!

Little Post-Race libation & Elvis love!

Our ride back to the STL. with a make-shift "Sun-Blocker" -patent pending...

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