Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas Re-CAP!

We had a great First Christmas with JR and all of our Family!
It was a week long tour starting last Saturday down in
Perryville with ma ma & pa pa'

Mr. Blogger and JR, waiting for Santa!
Mom and JR in the Santa Village....

Then a Surprise visit for Katie's mom
Tim's in town from DC.....
Uncle Tim & JR
The nanny (Aunt Carol) and her daughter stopped by
for a pre-Xmas....
Then the Rauls Family came up for dinner and gifts!
All the gal's--Grandma Suzy, Great-Great Grandma Rose & Aunt Stephanie
Let the gifts begin!
Uncle Sam & JR's first pair of Nike Air-Jordans!
Mommy & JR- X-mas morning!!!
happy boy!
We loved the cloths, JR loved the paper they came in!
Uncle Adam, who lives in Chi-Town.....
O-MY-GOSH! I Married my Mother!!!
This was X-mas dinner at Nana's
Aunt Cherie......
The Reboulet Family......(left to right)
Papie, Grandma, JR, Tim, Kate, Peter, Me, John,
Claire, Cherie, Em, Susan, Peter & Sherm
The girls stayed the night at our house
and helped out with JR....Here they are posing as they eat chocolate!
JR wakes to a bottle with the girls!

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