Thursday, September 18, 2008

Katy Trail 130mile ride......

Early on........
That's me, the one behind the beard....
Aron Rauls
So this is the re-Cap from the Katy trail ride. My buddy, John Lynch and I rode the Katy Trail from St. Charles Missouri, to Jefferson City. This was a 130mile one day bike ride.

That's the view, mile after mile
Aron Rauls
It started off easy enough, perfect day and the body felt good. Though a couple good efforts early in the day, would come back to really hurt in the final few miles. From about mile 80 on, everything started to hurt......Your hands go numb from the vibration, my body started to reject calories, and your back hurts from sitting in the same position for 6hours.......It then became, "get through 10 more miles, ok, now another 10"....and so on......
Large tree from the storm that blocked the path
Aron Rauls

It was one of the hardest athletic things I've done, right up there with qualifying for the Boston Marathon and Ironman Florida........Glad I did it, glad it was over when it was, now next year it's the entire Katy trail on one day--220miles, KC to the ST.L.

Thanks to my wonderful wife,
who drove to Jefferson City & picked us up!!

Aron Rauls & John Lynch (It was his idea!)

Video from the trip

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