Wednesday, December 31, 2008

"CRY me a river"

JR has begun the pulling up and falling down stage,
which means Little bumps, bruises
and a little extra love from mom and Dad.....

Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas Re-CAP!

We had a great First Christmas with JR and all of our Family!
It was a week long tour starting last Saturday down in
Perryville with ma ma & pa pa'

Mr. Blogger and JR, waiting for Santa!
Mom and JR in the Santa Village....

Then a Surprise visit for Katie's mom
Tim's in town from DC.....
Uncle Tim & JR
The nanny (Aunt Carol) and her daughter stopped by
for a pre-Xmas....
Then the Rauls Family came up for dinner and gifts!
All the gal's--Grandma Suzy, Great-Great Grandma Rose & Aunt Stephanie
Let the gifts begin!
Uncle Sam & JR's first pair of Nike Air-Jordans!
Mommy & JR- X-mas morning!!!
happy boy!
We loved the cloths, JR loved the paper they came in!
Uncle Adam, who lives in Chi-Town.....
O-MY-GOSH! I Married my Mother!!!
This was X-mas dinner at Nana's
Aunt Cherie......
The Reboulet Family......(left to right)
Papie, Grandma, JR, Tim, Kate, Peter, Me, John,
Claire, Cherie, Em, Susan, Peter & Sherm
The girls stayed the night at our house
and helped out with JR....Here they are posing as they eat chocolate!
JR wakes to a bottle with the girls!

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Quadratic Equations......

He's only 9months old & we have him studying for the LSAT.......

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Lumber Jack "Joe"

Woody Wood Pecker, Leave it to Beaver.....
I could go on all night!
Needless to say, Daddy was not happy about JR's
attempt to eat his crib!
While Mommy was worried about her little baby with a mouthful of wood, Daddy was worried about the $2000 crib being destroyed by a 9month old....
But Daddy fixed it!
If he eats through that, he's coming to live with YOU!!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008


Sunday, December 21, 2008


Either you're to close or I've gotten really big, really fast!
photo courtesy: Great Aunt Cindy

Saturday, December 20, 2008

I'll have......

"Two eggs over-medium, bacon, side of fruit and a coffee......."
.........or a bottle!
He attracts some attention!
We were out to breakfast and people were actually asking if they could take his photo.....
little weird, but what do say to that???

Friday, December 19, 2008

What can you get for $2 bucks these days?

That's right, the Streets of Memphis, 34deg. 9:30 at night & only $2!!

This guy could do this all night.....

He probably made $30 each time he did this.....

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Fun on 40!

Mommy & Daddy were out running again! They did the Highway 40 5K run.....
One week after mommy ran a marathon
& Dad brought home some hardware placing in the top 20....

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Roll'n', Roll'n', Roll'n'

JR refuses (which we're ok with for now) to crawl.....

probably because everyone will just bring him whatever he wants,

so he just rolls to get where ever he needs to go.

Crawling is for Baby's who haven't trained their parents well enough!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

please, please, please......

We give what our readers ask for!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Stylish dude!

He'll let us do anything!
His hats get him allot of attention at the grocery store!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Momma' Marathon.....

So 9 months ago, Katie (pre-JR) decided she was going to run a marathon after Joseph was born! 8-months postpartum, JR's Mom completed that goal by running the Memphis Marathon.......It wasn't the fastest recorded time, but she suffered her way through it and got to the finish line! WAY TO GO MOMMY!!!!
Only 2% of the population actually run a marathon, only 1% of those ever run another--Katie's is a very small fraternity of those who have run 5, 1 being with-in 1yr of the baby.......

JR & Daddy Made shirts for the Day!
At the start!
Katie and our loyal reader, Stephanie, from Texas!
This thing has gone National!
Mommy right after the race!
We took JR to the Peabody to watch the Ducks
walk from their fountain to the elevator!

Little Post-Race libation & Elvis love!

Our ride back to the STL. with a make-shift "Sun-Blocker" -patent pending...

Saturday, December 13, 2008

X-Mas Tree

Believe it or not, we're all done!
Everything is up, all presents bought and now we're waiting....
JR love the tree and the lights!

Friday, December 12, 2008

St. Nick's Day

So we started a tradition of St. Nick's day,

where St. Nick visits on the 5th of Dec & leaves a small present for the kido's--

It's more for Mom and Day now, but he'll get it in a couple years!!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Silent Night...

He's such a great sleeper!
We've never seen a baby get so excited to go to sleep!
He gets a huge smile, grabs his bear, his binkie and out......12hrs a night!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


According to GQ, Orange is so last year......

Monday, December 8, 2008

Dancing Dude!

This is a horse he got from Great Grandma & Grandpa

His legs are to short to ride it,

so he stands in front and dances!!!

Sunday, December 7, 2008


JR can eat!
He just finished an appetizer biscuit & he's one happy little dude...

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Daddy's little helper....

Joseph tries to un-tangle the lights....

All the X-Mas lights are hung and ALL the gifts are bought!
No fighting the crowds this year!!

Friday, December 5, 2008

JR gets Holiday Cards!

As you can see, nothing is more exciting than a Holiday card from loved ones.....

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Get'n' Cold Outside

The small task of adding additional layers to our little one
slows the "got to get out of here" process.......

But the hats and jackets are fun!