Friday, November 19, 2010

2 Races, 4 Runners, 6 Medals.....

If it's Fall, there must be a running race somewhere....
Last weekend included back to back races Saturday and Sunday...
JR did his first running race, Daddy finally got on the podium and Nana tried to defend her
1st place AG from last year.

 This Space Ship has sleeping bags and wind protector....It was a very comfortable 75 inside, while 33 outside...

 JR, "Get your game face on!"

 Great Job JR!!!! 
1st place in the 2 and under cat.
Daddy and JR- post race enjoying a Juice (or Gaterade)

and SUNDAY...

 JR wanted to "run" again....The highlight of this run was running behind the Police Car!

another medal!

 The wife goes 2:03, shaving 4+ off from last months half marathon...

 Sweat = good effort!

 momma and her boy...
Good Job!