Friday, November 19, 2010

2 Races, 4 Runners, 6 Medals.....

If it's Fall, there must be a running race somewhere....
Last weekend included back to back races Saturday and Sunday...
JR did his first running race, Daddy finally got on the podium and Nana tried to defend her
1st place AG from last year.

 This Space Ship has sleeping bags and wind protector....It was a very comfortable 75 inside, while 33 outside...

 JR, "Get your game face on!"

 Great Job JR!!!! 
1st place in the 2 and under cat.
Daddy and JR- post race enjoying a Juice (or Gaterade)

and SUNDAY...

 JR wanted to "run" again....The highlight of this run was running behind the Police Car!

another medal!

 The wife goes 2:03, shaving 4+ off from last months half marathon...

 Sweat = good effort!

 momma and her boy...
Good Job!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Happy 1st Birthday TY!

I really can't believe it's already been a year and my little "Baby Ty" is already 1!
Happy Birthday little man, we love you!
Above: 1st day home from hospital
Below: 2 weeks old, napping with daddy...

Baby Ty video here

Monday, November 15, 2010

Pumkins picked....

Back post from our trip to Rombachs for our pumpkins...
Ty's first, JR's 3rd.

My sister (Steph) due in December....they aint say'n, but it's a Boy!

JR Video click here

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Snack anyone?

I've come to realize there i may never be able to have a snack without
my boys wanting some of whatever i having.....

a late night bowl of cereal, turned into a father son moment..... 

Monday, November 8, 2010

Daddy and his boys....

 Kates been taking classes on Saturdays (
So Daddy and the boys have been traveling around St. Louis
finding things to do......
Here we ended up at the Museum of Transportation.....
 JR loved all the trains
sorry, camera phone.....

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Viva La Tour'

JR got his first Trek bike!
literally jumped on it in the store and took off......
Now he's got 2weeks till we loose the training wheels!

Video here

Like it when he rolls by and say, "Go Fast Dad!" 

Saturday, November 6, 2010



Friday, November 5, 2010

Zoo around here.....Halloween recap!

We kicked off the Halloween morning with a 5K race in Glendale...
Momma pushed TY for the first time in a race and did very well, daddy thought he could contend fro the overall,  but was quickly dusted and watched 2 guys run away from him a 1/2 mile into the race...

 Then it was home and prep for Trick or Treat...

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

BBQ Showdown

 City of Wildwood had a BBQ Showdown and JR found his way to the inflatables...
It was like his own amusment park because there were only a couple kids there...

He loved it!