Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Fireplace Protector for children!

For whatever reason, Kids like things they shouldn't!
Our son (15months old) loves the Fireplace,
so we had to find a way to protect it & him!
The wife and I did this project one day while our son was sleeping......
So with about $10 worth of materials from the Home Depot
we cut a sheet of Ply just slightly larger then the fireplace,
then screwed some 2x3's around the outside so it wouldn't slide around.

Then we hit the fabric store and covered
the base with a couple layers of batting.....

Wrapped it up like a present and covered it with a "pretty" fabric-

Then we covered a sheet a ply that also snugged into the fireplace door opening....
BAM- Child safe fireplace protector, ok looking, 100% removable!
JR approved!
A stage for our one year old!!!
now momma's worried about him falling off it......
it never ends.........
If you'd like any info contact us.....


Lynchmob said...

You should submit this to and see what the traffic will do on your blog.

But wouldn't it have been more productive to teach the kid how to go grab a few logs and start a fire instead

Beanie said...

Happened upon your blog via google and wanted to post. Can you and your wife come to my house and build me one!? I'm only half kidding.

I think we might try this.
