Thursday, July 31, 2008

Peter & Will......

JR's cousins rolled through town on the way to D.C. & got the chance to see our little man!!

This is Will!! (See if you can follow this-----Katie's-brother's youngest son)

This is Peter!! (Brother's oldest son) Yes, JR's really that big!!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

nap time.....

Listen closely, this is JR's "nap time" jingle.....

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Play Time!

So many toys so little time! The great thing about this age, every toy's new & if it's not, wait 1min. and he thinks it's new anyway!!!

Friday, July 18, 2008


Ask Google: How do you get your family to just leave you alone, when your only 4-months old?
Google Response: You're 4-months old?
JR: yeah!
Google Response: How are you typing this?
JR: I'm gifted, duh' .....
Google Response: How do you know you're gifted?
JR: My mom and dad told me so!
Google: So hav'n' a problem with the parents?
JR: What do I do?
Google: Wait 18 years............

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Weekend Fun!

Just some weekend fun at Castlewood!

Friday, July 11, 2008

Dinner & a Movie....

JR gets his first taste of grub'.

More went & stayed down than expected. The boy likes his food!!!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

4 generations of Rauls

Grandpa (my Dad), Great Grandma, JR & JR's daddy (above)
Aunt Stephanie (below)

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

4th day of July....

Our "Little Firecracker" on the 4th!

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

A Toast!

Wine glasses, a toast and self-photo can only mean one thing--IT's BEEN ONE YEAR!!!! They say the first year is the toughest, if that's the case, this is going to be really easy........Quick re-cap of our first year of marriage- Married, half-ironman, pregnant, new job, baby JR...........piece of cake! We celebrated with a night on the town....Dinner at Stoney River (just ok) & killer seats for the John Mayor concert (very, very good!!)

Monday, July 7, 2008

If you're sleepy' raise your hand......
