Thursday, July 29, 2010

Wa Wa Slide.....

What do you do after 15days of hot afternoons? 
Waterslide of course!!!!

JR liked to fill the pool with objects he could slide down and hit.....

Even Baby TY got some pool action!

JR slide video

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Jump, Jump around.......

so get out your seats and jump around.....

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

"OK, Ty--Hold on!"

I have a feeling Ty may hear this a lot in his little life......

Monday, July 26, 2010


Last weekend, JR did his first race and took down the boyz 2 and under division!

He ran like the wind, dominating the field with a solid kick to the line.
Then he mounted his very aero radio flyer "tri" bike with 5" disc wheels!


Ice Cream to celebrate a great effort!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Family Movie Night

Ok- so Ty couldn't make it, due to unreasonably early bedtime.....
But JR, Daddy and Mommy enjoyed popcorn and a movie!

Madagascar was the "Feature."
or "My Gas Car" (& say it really fast) if your Joseph....

Monday, July 19, 2010


Daddy: "What are all those bubbles on Ty's side?"

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Bathtime when Mommy's away?

Option 1- They'll be ok, no bath needed?
Option 2- Wash cloth, little water and some lotion?
Option 3- Have the older brother wash the younger?
Option 4- Have one jump, while the other baths--then SWITCH!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

That's good Cake!

Seriously one of the best cakes I've ever had!

Monday, July 12, 2010

Brotherly Love!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

u ready to go?

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Baby Ty

loves his exersaucer...

Friday, July 9, 2010

Fritz and Friends...

Some friends came over last week for a little BBQ.....
JR and Fritz had a great time playing, it was going to be interesting becasue JR has never had anyone play with "his stuff." But he was good with almost everything and they had a good time together...

On the big dogs...

Reading a book....Thanks Brian and Katie!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Vacation in Utah

Kate and I spent a few days vacationing in the Mountains of Utah
as guest of the Lynch Family!
I got in a little mountain (literally) biking....

John Lynch and i
Katie, Cindy and Julie before their first attempt to Summit.

JR's future girlfriend, cute!

Kate and I, on a romantic date....
First 350Main (GREAT!), a walk through Park City, then Ice Cream!

Momma and a "B" (JR loves B's aka- Bears!)

Kate and I took a day and drove to Mirror Lake Pass....30m of up!

Surprise! Took Katie on a ATV excursion, she had no idea what we were doing.....
Little intimidating at first, but quickly we were flying around!

That night was followed up with dinner at the St. Regis!
Only one way up, via the "FunCycle"

Great Dinner!! Thanks Lynch's....

John Lynch and his wife Cindy

Last day and 2nd Summit hike!
Nice work ladies....
It was the perfect trip of rest, people, activities and food!
Utah is great in the summer, maybe even better then winter---maybe

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

4th of July

The Rauls Boys!
JR helped put out the Flags...

Dad and his boy

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

3 Years....

Wow- Where did 3years go....
It feels like last week we were just getting married,
2 boys and 3 years later....
Our 5th time we've toasted these glasses!
Engagement, Wedding, 3 Anniversaries

Started the day off with a Family bike ride!
JR loved it, Ty slept through it...