Monday, June 28, 2010

Tim and Whitney's Wedding....

OK- I was called out for being a lazy blogger, but here are the photo's from
Uncle Tim and Whitney's wedding weekend......

JR and his gal'
Post Rehearsal

Rauls and the USSS lost and locked out of Ladue.....
a one way gate that closed behind us and would not let us back in.

The KC Reboulet women....
don't mind the car-seat, you ladies got room?

Pre- Wedding hangout

Daddy and his boys

Cake cutting

Related, but not married......(John's wife, Cheries Husband)

Again, "Bride" and her sister

yes Cherie--you recall from previous post!

and how dancing SHOULD look and SHOULD NOT look--enjoy!
ps- Nice moves Tim, he claims they were impromptu,
I'm calling BS and believe there was some professional instruction prior!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


This was not staged in any way, My 2yr old grabbed my helmet and shades from my bag next to his seat, when I turned around this is what i saw.......still makes me laugh

Monday, June 21, 2010

Father's Day

A day spent on the lake= quiet car ride home.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Birthday Boy.....

and let the moving begin!
The other day I put Ty on a blanket and by the time I came back intot the room he had rolled 10' under the coffee table.
7 months old today! Happy birthday Boy!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Go Redbirds!

We're not big "go the game" people, I'd much rather watch it from my couch, or not watch at all and be out riding my bike is more like it.......
But we ventured off to the Cards game with our friends Marcy and William, very good game, very hot day.
Bill must have some sort of gravatational pull we weren't aware of before this photo....
Momma Rauls, sport'n' the birds!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Dude--where's all my stuff?

More and more of our things are being replaced and taken over by little boy things......It's like having your very own Gremlins and there stuff just multiplies and finds it's way into every room in the entire house
ps- that's a fake lemon!
......but then moments like this make it all worth it!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

OCD at 2?

With a set of parents with issues, he has no chance.......

Monday, June 14, 2010

daddy hat.....

Safety first in the Rauls house....

Friday, June 4, 2010

Uncle Tim's wedding.....

I'm still pulling together the photo's from Uncle Tim's wedding,
but as I was going through them I noticed a specific dance move
Aunt Cherie broke out as she "got down."
I thought to myself, "now where have I seen that move before???????"

OOOOOOoooooooooooooo, that's right my wife has that same move......

must be a signature "sister six-shooter" dance!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

That's Hot!

When your'e this cool, the suns shines on you 24/7, even at Breakfast!

O Yeah! GTL baby.....
Beach day at school, look out.......

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Just liv'n' the dream!

BBQ on a stick= Check
Cold Beer= Check
Kids in Bed= Check
Just living the dream

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Wow weekend!

With 3 parties and 1 concert in 3 days, this was a buzy weekend at the Rauls house!
Big Shout out to the Lynch's who rocked the Barn!
Kate and I headed downtown for Big Head Todd, great concert-great evening!
We may be the only people to have purchased front tickets, to then move back (yet another sign, we're getting old!)