Monday, April 26, 2010

Swim Time....

Couple weeks ago, Ty got his first swim lesson (5months old)....
Just like everything else, he just went with the flow
....he's one chilled out dude!

One of these photo's is JR swimming about the same age, can you pick him out?

If you had to look at the swim trunks, you cheated!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010


Ty playing and laughing......

see video on blog

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Vehicle Day

Saturday we loaded up our crew and headed to PAT's Vehicle Day!

JR had a great time, getting to see and play on almost every vehicle you can think of.

UPS truck=check!

Poppie's Firetruck was even there......

A BIG loader....

Maybe the #1 attraction, a bus!

Que Helicopter take-off and fly by video

Sunday, April 18, 2010


Is there anything better then a cute, chubby, sleeping baby?

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Cool Cat n the Hat.....

"car"........."car hat"

Monday, April 12, 2010


Rauls Family!
Safe to say we got all we could out of Easter. With a City of Wildwood hunt (Great by the way!), our neighborhood hunt, then Easter morning, JR was a pro at finding, what we calls "eyes" and putt'n' them in the basket.

My Boys....
JR finding "eyes" at the Wildwood hunt!
There had to be 400+ kids there.

Rauls crew.....

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Sick Boy!

A day spent in bed! Sounds good right!
Last week JR woke up and we knew he wasn't going to school.
30min later, we was in our bed sleeping the sickness out of his body.

This is the first time he's ever slept in our bed.....he out!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Crawl, Walk......Ski !

JR got his first pair of Ski boots, size Inf 5's....... We've been having fun putting them on and walking around, trying to just get him used to the feeling so next year can we try the real thing!

How cool are these?

Maybe in a few years...

Daddy, whats a black diamond?
Ski ya next year!!!