Friday, February 19, 2010

Dad, can I borrow the car?

On the way back from the Hockey game,
JR and I came accross a car full of teens that
had launched daddy's Cadi into a small pond of water......
"Wait, hold it right there, let me get a picture!"

I don't think dad was very happy once he showed up!
ps- The road is where I'm standing, not in front of them......I'd say they were doing 60+ when they lost control.....

Thursday, February 18, 2010

St. Louis Blues Hockey......kinda

What do you do when it's snowed every weekend in February? Go see a Hockey game!
JR and I went to watch the Blues AAA team last weekend in the Valley. I'm NOT a hockey fan, but it was the best $7 I've spent to watch hockey and JR loved it!
JR watching the "truck."

He loved the mascot (dog, coyote?), as long as he stayed outside a 5' radius from us.

Watching the players "take the ice."

When he starts getting squirmy, get him a pretzel......
We had a great time, no crowd, close to home and very good hockey!

Friday, February 12, 2010

O snow you didn't.....

O yes we did.....JR and daddy played in the snow.....

It looks like he's having fun,
but he didn't like the sledding part
as much as the BALL that was in the neighbors yard....
1st Sled.....

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

momma's back........

Katie hits the ground running and goes back to work after 12 weeks+. Little sad, little excited...

momma and her boys on her way to work.....

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

My Boyz....

Monday, February 8, 2010

What did you do today?

When you ask "what did you do today," it usually gets no response, but JR's teacher sent us some of his photo's from his life in school......

(School did his hair for a party--daddy had nothing to do with that!)

Book time with Mrs. Katherine
They say he loves wearing this hat??

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


The night before I left to ski, JR wanted some of my cereal.....3 bowls later, he was still eating.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Great wife, happy life!

I have the greatest wife in the world!
The last two days I've been out in Utah ripping up
the best snow I've ever skied in, while mama's been
back in St. Louis as both President and CEO of the 2 Under 2 club,
taking care of our little guys......

It's been great snow everyday!

One more day, I'll ski all day tomorrow,
catch a late plane back to hug the boys and kiss the wife!
Miss you guys, see you late tomorrow night.......