Thursday, October 29, 2009

Where does the time go?

Yesterday's post made me go back and find last yr's pic's from the pumpkin run...
Where did this last year go?

JR looks 1yr older, I look 5, how does that work?

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Saturday we lined it up for the annual Pumkin run in Chesterfield Valley....
Last year JR and I took 2nd place (in our AG), but with mommy knocked-up and in charge of the little man, daddy raced alone this year....

Grandma also ran the 10K
Dad again got 2nd again?
"Dad, didn't it help you ga faster without pushing me in the stroller?"

Rauls Family- post run

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


keep your eyes on the road!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Monday Night Football!!

Picked up a MiZZou football and had some fun playing rough in the house!
Mommy says "no football," but when mommy's away--the boys WILL PLAY!
Film Review!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

My Crew.....

Mommy, JR Rauls, baby boy Rauls (3 weeks to go!)
and Barney playing in the background.....

Friday, October 23, 2009

Say What??

JR's got a handful of words now along with his signs,

I don't know why its fun, funny or entertaining--but it's all the above! (at least to us!)

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

planes, TRAINS and other things......

JR's gone WILD for his play train......
Just this last week, this train has gotten all the attention, for hours each day, we play with this train.....push it, ride it, crash it....couch, floor, bed, bathtub (he tried).......FUN, FUN!

New Video

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Look out Ladies!!!

New post Check out more here

Fall's kinda here, so there's more clothing to be picked out, put on and kept clean till JoJo (Lynch's will like that) gets to school.....

Today he sports the Fall Colors and a sweater vest---the ladies do like sweater vest, right?

Monday, October 19, 2009

We're ready.....

with Halloween just a couple weeks away, we're ready!
JR has his pumpkins, costume and the house looks scary.....
Next year, there will be one more little scare crow....
(note to self, go buy one more scare crow!)

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Rombachs for pumkins....

To round off a very buzy weekend,
we went to Rombach's, a local pumpkin farm,
with all the to round off a very buzy weekend
He took his first pony ride...
Aunt Steph

Picked out his own pumpkin,
then refused to let anyone else help carry it!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Fall + Apples= Eckerts!

We took JR to Eckerts Family Fun Farm,
for some apple pick'n' and good ol' country fun!
Mrs. Rauls, JR and the Arch in the background......

JR's Big Green Tractor

Rauls Family!

Apple Pick'n' time...
Eckerts Movie RE-CAP

Hang'n' on dad..

worn out little dude..........

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Animal Mania'

Animal Mania went down last Saturday!
Why we thought is was going to be an indoor petting zoo????
JR had fun, he wondered from "Animal Themed" station to station.....
Here we pet a Fox, Bear and Deer..Animal "Dolls", some mom called them......they're not dolls!
Don't know what this has to do with animals, but he liked it!
Zoo keeper hat.....

Monday, October 12, 2009

Rain, Rain go away!

Thursday night, JR came home from school with so much energy,
we just took him outside and PLAYED in the RAIN!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

on the way to school.....

Showing me his shoes on the way to school......

Friday, October 9, 2009

U comfortable?

This was not staged in any way....
wonder where he gets it?

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Let get FIRED up.....

Kate's dad's a Big Dog at Metro West Fire Dept,
so Sunday we went to an open house......
It was fun, they had all the trucks there
and lots of stuff for kids to do!
Daddy and JR in the Firetruck...
3rd Alarm, Clark Street and the corner of Maple!

Cute and cute!
JR hosing down a fire!
Fam. and grandpa Poppie'

Wednesday, October 7, 2009


Last weekend we hit a local Corn Maze!
It was almost a private event.....

JR chekcing out the Hay Maze!

Yep- I'm in a cow, being pulled by a ATV.....

& the movie to prove it...

JR and mommy

Dude- that's alot of corn....

Mommy and JR in the Corn Maze!

JR in the jump house!

What chu' look'n' at?

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Evening Snack....

Prego version (left), Daddy's Version (right)

Monday, October 5, 2009

Friday night=Date night!

Friday night= date night on the town!
We're so lucky to live in such a great area, all summer long the City of Wildwood has community movies and live music at the town center, about .46 miles from our crib.
This night Javier Mendoza took the stage, very good Spanish "J Mayor."
We grabbed some local Mexican grub with some friends and listened to some tunes.....
UsJosie & Ryan- also expecting (little girl)
My View to the front.....

My view to my left......
"Oh man, that's going to be on the Blog......."
OK, "I'll take another--say cheeze!"