Monday, June 29, 2009

Sleepy Joe

Cute, funny & wonderful all rolled up into one!

JR was so tired from spending the morning with mommy,

then running around with daddy, he was napping during lunch,

which led to a 2.5 hr nap--How Great!!!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

when mommy's away.....

soooooooo like i was saying,
mommy was out of town last week,
so the boys built a fort with the couch......

Friday, June 26, 2009


JR and daddy had some alone time last week,
when mommy had to go to Florida for work.....
So late Friday afternoon we took a snack
and went to watch the planes come in at Spirit Airport.....

He really liked it, till they got close and loud,
then he wanted some daddy--

Thursday, June 25, 2009

O yeah daddy.....

O' mommy will love this......
hey, you missed a spot over there.......

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

and your off........

JR must run everywhere now.......he likes to race daddy down the hallway!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Fathers Day!

JR painted me a coole' cup for Fathers day for my cold beverages.....
then he removed the DADDY letters and tried to eat them.....

Monday, June 22, 2009


Jo-Jo's my name, Style'n's my game......

Friday, June 19, 2009

Crying game......

O' this works on mommy, but not so much on daddy.......

Thursday, June 18, 2009

The i3 gang........

JR has now moved up to the
i3 or infiant 3 room at his school.......
Part of the initiation is getting a tough guy tatoo---

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


let me in..................

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Taking over the entire house.........

JR's "STUFF" is slowly taking over the house......
He LOVES this little picnic table, which has finally been
moved out of our living room......

Monday, June 15, 2009

Welcome Jack!!

We recently welcomed the newest member to our family......

Kate's sister had their first baby, Jack--8lbs, 21"long....
Born last Friday, Baby and mom doing well.....

School time.......

On this day, we sported a Cardinal Red shirt and..........
sorry, my dad does my hair like that.......

my hip new RedBird crocks!!!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Daddy's Truck

Daddy got a new work truck
and JR got a new place to play!!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Out of the Closet.....

The things we do to make ourselves laugh.....
JR and I were cleaning out his winter stuff from his closet
and dressing up and showing mommy........
We were all laughing!!!
Hat-check, boots-check, bat-check........

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Fireplace Protector for children!

For whatever reason, Kids like things they shouldn't!
Our son (15months old) loves the Fireplace,
so we had to find a way to protect it & him!
The wife and I did this project one day while our son was sleeping......
So with about $10 worth of materials from the Home Depot
we cut a sheet of Ply just slightly larger then the fireplace,
then screwed some 2x3's around the outside so it wouldn't slide around.

Then we hit the fabric store and covered
the base with a couple layers of batting.....

Wrapped it up like a present and covered it with a "pretty" fabric-

Then we covered a sheet a ply that also snugged into the fireplace door opening....
BAM- Child safe fireplace protector, ok looking, 100% removable!
JR approved!
A stage for our one year old!!!
now momma's worried about him falling off it......
it never ends.........
If you'd like any info contact us.....

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


I'll have 3 chocolate chip cookies,
86 the chocolate chips--please.....
He even got a plate that read, Mama's Boy!
& I was told, "you can't eat those."

Believe it or not JR doesn't like Chocolate,
so much that he'll eat everything off the chocolate parts and spit them out......
If only his daddy had that same problem!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Wag the Dog.....

We're not sure who is walking whom....
(is that correct, who & whom?)

Never say never, but we'll never have a Dog.....

So JR gets all the Dog Love he can get from Sammy, our nanny's puppy.......

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

JR goes Hollywood.....

JR got his 1yr old photo's done & here is a sample.......
They are done by Mrs. Katy Wolff, she's great, quick & not expensive--
Check her work out here......

Monday, June 1, 2009

Fireplace + JR= Stage Show!

JR loves playing on the fireplace......

It must be like a Stage, but it makes Mom & Dad nervous so we have a plan--

check back later this week!