Saturday, February 28, 2009


That's Ridiculous......
Cleaning up JR's closet the other day--
He has more hats then Daddy & more shoes than mommy!!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Mardi Gras 2009!

The Rauls family joined some friends
at Sidney Street Cafe for Mardi Gras......
If you're from STL or just passing through,
it's one of the very best resturants you'll ever visit!
Great Food! Thanks Mina & Kevin Nashan!!!

Hey, where and how'd you get those beads???????

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

JR get a NEW PUPPY!!

Got ya!!
No new puppy in the Rauls crib!
Uur babysitter Carol got a
cute little puppy named Sammy....
Jr seamed a little annoyed at first,
but has warmed up to her over the last week......

Monday, February 23, 2009


This kid is going to rock Easter!
He leaves no stone un-turned,
no drawer un-opened, no cabnet un-explored!!!
O-YEAH, it's funny daddy!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Photo Collection!

Viewers Choice!
We need to update some of the photo's to the side
Vote the best Photo below!

Photo's courtesy: "the" Great Aunt Nana'

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Sno' What?

Snow Shoeing!

You can only ski so many days in a row,
before your legs need a rest or different workout!

so Kate and I decided to give Show Shoeing a try,
the first time for both of us!
It's a great workout!
We ended shoeing straight up the hill for little over an hour....
Kate about half way up---
that's our hotel in the background....

Post Workout......I'm beat!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

JR takes over the Ritz'

JR took over our room and the entire Ritz!

Take daddy's stuff out, throw it in the ground--it's fun!!!

At the kids play house, he again was a star-
Here he's riding Bachlor the mascot dog....

Mommy & JR!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Day of Skiing!

Us at the top of Beaver Creek!

Tom, Me, Kate & Mom off the first lift of the day!
Mom-little to the left, little more, little more--PERFECT!
Question from caller: Where's JR
Answer: He's with Aunt Nana (my aunt Cindy) back at the room.....
Thank GOD for her!

Baby moma' tearing up the slopes!
Impressed with the ability for not skiing the last couple seasons!
It will only be another year before JR is skiing faster then his moma'

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Vacation- REEEE Cap!

Last week the Family took a little vacation to the hills of Colorado for some snow action!
Fun, yet challenging with a 10-1/2 month old......
We skied, snowshoed, played in the snow and ate for 5days straight.
The next few Blog updates will recap,
minus the details from the "Family flu" that spread like wildfire!

JR, loved crawling in the snow!

This day was followed with Hot Coco and marsh mellows by a campfire....

Thursday, February 12, 2009

I'm be'n' SERIOUS!!!!


Sunday, February 8, 2009

What happens at Nana's, Stays at Nana's...

If Mom and Dad say no, I'll just ask Nana!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

angry Joseph.....

We don't know why, but JR started doing this
"Angry Joseph" impression......

Mommy doesn't think it's funny,

but Daddy can't get enough!!!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

JR walk'n'......well kinda'

It's so much fun to watch him learn new things!

He's crusin everywhere now with his walk-behind mower--

we're trying to figure out how to put a vacume on it!

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Super' Bowl Sunday!!

JR attended his First Superbowl party on Sunday....
I came back from Utah early and got home in time to
go with Katie and JR to the Morris house for a small party!
Good Friends, Great food!!!
JR and Daddy--4:30

and Daddy, 3hrs later......Party Animal!!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Daddy's away playing!

sorry for the "lack" of new post the last few days.....

After a hectic' month at work I took off for a
DUDES weekend in Utah for some skiing with 14 other guys!

Lots of hard skiing, lots of libations & little sleep.....
No matter where you go, it's always good to come back home.....