Sunday, January 25, 2009

Stand Alone...

JR has fun, trying to stand....

Friday, January 23, 2009

JR's Playhouse....

This last weekend,
we gated off the downstairs family room and child-proofed everything!
Finally, a place he can go anywhere,
do more--No, No, Joe, Joe....

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Family Hug!

Tha Rauls Family...

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


JR sleeping during his am nap!


Monday, January 19, 2009

not funny!

Daddy, this is not funny anymore.....

Saturday, January 17, 2009

want some?

Did you want some of my cheeto?

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Bubbles & Bubbles & Bubbles.....

So, does Joseph still love bathtime???
It's like Disney without the 15hr. drive!

Big ups' to whomever this Bubble Maker came from....Wheelers??

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

New Mobile Phone......brought to you by Sprint

We start training young in the Rauls Family!
JR's first .0038K Crawl for the phone....
Imagine if you had to work this hard for every phone call,
it would be easy to get rid' of those pesky holiday lbs....

Monday, January 12, 2009

"Back" again

This is my daddy's back & leg stretcher, but my log roller!
I can't seem to figure out to get over, under or around it yet
so mom and dad keep putting it in my way of places to go.....
Like the: Kitchen, electrical outlets, end tables, fireplace, steps, drawers, hard wood, dinning room chairs and anything with a plug.....

Friday, January 9, 2009

Pro Boxer?

Keys to 9month old play time!
1. It must be more fun, if mom and dad say NO--so keep trying!
2. All toys must be out at all times!!! The more the merrier!
3. Once all the toys are out, just play with, on or in the box!!

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Fort Bodypillow!

The fireplace, like the rest of our house, has been taken over by our little dude....
Yep- That's a body pillow I made for Katie (yep again, I MADE) for when she was pregnant....
The only use for it now is to keep JR from slamming his head into the brick and/or from opening the fireplace doors in search of Santa!!!
It's never been for fun than now!
Each day and week gets better and more fun...

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Look a like?

These are JR's cousins for KC......
& That's the baby William, could he pass for JR's twin??
JR about the same age......Will in now 7yrs old

Monday, January 5, 2009

Older and older......

Top 10 reasons you know your married and getting old!

1- You stay up to watch the weather.....
2- You know your outfit doesn't "go", but you no longer care....
3- Your child will graduate high school in 2026
4- You report to the wife, "I just took out the trash!"
5- "Are you tired, I'm exhausted, Good Night!"
6- You go to sleep earlier on Friday & Sat. night than during the week.....
7- The cashier calls you "sir"
8- You're in bed at 9:48 on New Years Eve.
9- You use a line your mom or dad used when you were a kid.......
10- You and your wife get each other a new kitchen for X-mas and your excited about it!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

To the end of the hall please.......

He could do this all day long!

Great Christmas gift,something that makes noise

and something we have to push!!! Thanks Santa!

Friday, January 2, 2009

On the Move!

It finally "clicked" and JR is crawling everywhere!