Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Reindeer dance

Everyone shake and prance, do the reindeer dance!
You have to know Bob (my father-in-law) to really appreciate how funny this is to watch.

He loves having the boys over and JR can get him to do just about anything......

They look at flags, play with trains, ride reindeer and drink Pepsi Zero, which we think "Poppie" must have stock in, because he pushes it like crack to everyone and it taste terrible!

We're diet coke people (if there's anyone from coke reading this blog!!!)

Monday, December 28, 2009

sir, what's under your jacket?

We had to go to the grocery store before X-mas & my wife (whom I love) doesn't want TY to breath any germs, so I talked her into letting me carry him in the carrier under my jacket and body slam anyone that came within reach!

I was really surprised how many people really didn't notice!
Only a couple looks like, "that's guy looks fat, but in a weird way."

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas Everyone!

Thanks for checking in!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Next Top Models...

The Family, minus dad, getting ready for a photo shoot!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009


ummmmm, yep!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

OK- We think they look alike, so here's your test......
for the answer, scroll to the bottom of this post
A. Joseph B. Tyler
A. Joseph B. Tyler
A. Joseph B. Tyler

A. Joseph B. Tyler

Joseph, Tyler, Tyler, Joseph

Monday, December 21, 2009

Sid the Kid....

JR's into Sid the Scientest for about the first 15min, when they are singing! It's funny to watch him, watch him....

Friday, December 18, 2009

JR's X-Mas Parta'

JR had his frist school Christmas party,
it was cute to see 8 20month olds all doing the same thing.....
JR was BIG man......He liked having mom and dad there!

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Highway 40--open!

For those out of town readers, our major highway 40 was closed for 2 years and just opened a couple weeks ago.....I took JR and Nana for a 5K Fun on Forty run! Little slow & cold, but fun....
Not many times you get to run on a highway without playing frogger!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Ele' Fun

Joseph had reaped the rewards of having a brother.

Lot of gift also end up with his name on them...One of them was Ele-Fun and JR loves it!

We've spent hours re-loading this little toy elephant.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

yep, room for two

Nana' got us a baby presant that has room for two!
Ty's a little small right now,
but it'll come in handy in a few months.
We already made a few trips with both of them, it's a challenge!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

momma and her crew.....

Kate, Ty & JR.....
o, and mr. bear...

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

good Big Brother!

JR is a really sweet big brother!
He's over the initial excitment of the baby,
but still wants to help mom and dad with anything we're doing.....

Sunday, December 6, 2009

the boy & i

Hanging in bed......

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

nothing better.....

Then your sleeping son!

Monday, November 30, 2009

first, first.......bathtime!

There's nothing better then the smell of baby!
TY got his first bath--it's like being at a spa'

Insert superDAD joke here!

so, maybe he didn't love the spa......

All clean and ready for a 4hr nap till 2am!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

What the........

Seriously Dad? Where's mom?
Whad-up dwag.......

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Birthday to me......

Happy Birthday to me, 1 week old!
rough, sleep, cuddle repeat.....

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Famous Joe!

JR's school posted a congrats note on their door.....
Joseph's doing great with Ty and very gentle, only a couple whines when momm'a's taking care of Ty.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Where did the nurses go????

We made it home with #2.....Everythings good, but days are nights and nights are days!
He sleeps great, it just happens to be from 8am to 10pm, then it's party time!
Family minus one
First car ride home!

Hanging and swing'n' in JR's favorite chair.........
"," JR says....
Sweet bad that's today at 9:00am
Does anyone see the sleeping resembelance?
JR slept just like that, ARMS UP!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

New pic'

Going home.....

Tyler's settling in and everyone's doing great, so it looks like we're headed home....
I forgot what it feels like and how your eyes ache and 12, 3 & 6am--
but we've adjusted and Kate's been amazing....
Tyler Ryan 2days old All Wrapped up!
Momma and her boy!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Rauls party of 4.......

Katie actually went into labor one day before the scheduled C-section.......She started about 12:30 woke me up and we were out the door at 4:30.......
Tyler Ryan Rauls born Nov. 18th--9.44lbs
After experiencing labor, "Which sucks," says Katie we were ready for our son....

and, he's here!

Proud dad, with his youngest son--Tyler Ryan

It hit me looking at this picture, we're a complete family now---

Rauls table for 4!!!

My Boys!

Momma's doing great, already up, showered--walking! She's probably going to go for a quick run this afternoon.......

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Just like Daddy....

He likes to help and do whatever his daddy's doing.....

So here is trying to plug in his little tree into the outlet (that has child proof plugs)....

Monday, November 16, 2009

Yes, It's true......

The Rauls Family is ready for X-mas....
With our second little dude on the way next week and the weather in the 60's why not get X-mas up a ready.....
So my brother came up and helped me cause Katie's out (due to Prego) and we got it all done......
Now we just need presents (1/2 bought) and our baby!

Daddy, Mommy, Jospeh and TBD
(Michael, Jonathan, Tyler or Chase)

Lights up and on, November 15th!

Brother Sam & JR--thanks for the help!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

It's Britney Spears.......or looks like her.....

This was not a set-up, for some reason JR thought we were on the cover of US
(one of those gossip mag's that somehow end up at our house--Thanks Marcy!)

I must say, the guy is a very dashing young man!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

oh what a cute baby......

Someone (who will remain nameless)
thought it would be cute to get JR his own baby,
so when we have our baby etc........
Funny & cute, but deep down I like it better when he drops the baby for his train!