Sunday, November 30, 2008

Cutting Grass in November......

I thought Kate was joking when she said, "Let's cut the grass and clean up the leaves."

Us usually = Daddy, but the day after she ran 20m, she was out cutting the grass....

I didn't know if anyone would believe, so I got it on film!

One Tough & Cute Momma'


Our Holiday season is always very busy with all our family to see.....
We spent Thanksgiving with my Dad and 30 other relatives,
many which were the first time to meet JR......
Then we spent time with Katie's Family-
Grandma & JR

Friday and Saturday were spent with Katie's Family minus Tim,
who wouldn't get away from DC.

Cousin Pete & JR

Feeding by committee....

Friday night, the girls spent the night & helped with JR.
We had a ton of fun!!

The Girls (Em, Claire, Momma' JR)

Friday, November 28, 2008

Pea's & Fruit

We've started alternating peas and fruit for dinner,
starting with the peas ending with the fruit.....
He obviously likes apples better

Wednesday, November 26, 2008


My meal will include:
Rice, Peas, Apples& Cherry's--Followed by 4oz. of Milk

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Again, how cute is he?

Monday, November 24, 2008

Snow it's not.......

JR: Mommy, it's snowing
Mommy: No, it can't be it's only early November
JR: Mommy, what's November?

Friday, November 21, 2008

High & Tight.....High & Tight.....

You can never start em' to young.........
Calls from MU, Oklahoma, Florida & Bama' are starting to trickle in,
the call from KU however, went un-returned.....

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Daddy's New Ride!

And it's not even a new car, it's a bike!
With the invention of EBAY and the "hook-up" at my bike shop,
I was able to upgrade to a brand new bike for the 09 season........
This is the most top of the line bike on the market right now &
only a handful of other riders in the entire country have it!
It's a super light weight carbon fiber Obrea Orca bike, with Dura Ace 7900 (BRAND, BRAND NEW) components & smoken fast wheels!
So rare, it'd fetch into the 5digit's on EBAY right now!
It's crazy when the bike hanging off the back of your car is worth more than the car you're driving!!!
It won't see any road action until it's a perfect sunny saturday with absolutly no chance of rain!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Bears & Binkies'

This is JR's beary good sleeping buddy.....don't know how it satrted, but this has become his #1 sleeping partner! He no longer even want to cuddle with daddy after his night time bottle.....
He wants some "alone time" with his bear & binkies......
Note: One Bear, 12 Binkies!
Somehow, the one pink binkie we have ends up in his mouth every night.
I'll begin to worry when I catch him in his moms high heals.....

Monday, November 17, 2008

Thanks Grandma

So what do you get after you raise 4 kids, then have four more grandkids? still get directions and a to do list, complete with times & amounts!
Sorry, we can't control it!!!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

What a couple of NERDS!!!

Do you like my backpack?
Yeah, but I like mine better!
Whatever....I have more stuff in mine.
No you don't, I have a pillow, clippers, a pencil & my math book, just in case we end up on a school bus.........Check Spelling
What's for lunch today?
Can I sit by you?
sorry, I'm already sitting next to my bff....

My Aunt Cindy (left) and my mom (right)

Friday, November 14, 2008

Writer's Block!

OK- so if you couldn't tell I had a bit of Bloggers Block.
So proper credit to the Dr. in our family for producing the "cute" postings after my couple funny photo's, which by the way "Are Not Funny...."

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Hi Max!

Big Shout out to our friends, Mina and Kevin who just welcomed their first son Max! JR's pumped, he now has 4 triathlon friends to "run" around with- Fritz, Keaton, Max and one gal to chase Ava....All sons/daughter of runners, triathletes and cyclist born with-in the last 9months....
An inaugural "Baby Jogger Race" is in the making! Congrats Kevin & Mina--We'll see you on the road in a few weeks!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Bad Day Running.....

I guess there are a few dangers from running.......

Saturday, November 8, 2008



Friday, November 7, 2008

When the Cat's away.....

Mom and Tom have left town for 2weeks for vacation and asked Katie and I to keep an eye on the, we decided to have a little party--we hope to have it all cleaned up by the time they return.....

Thursday, November 6, 2008

NOTH'n to report...

By the way--If the Halloween video even startled you a little,
you're either a scaredy' cat or my Aunt Cindy!!!!

Sorry Aunt Cindy (one of our most dedicated readers)
,but you had to know this photo was coming eventually!
Aunt Cindy Below-

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


For those wondering: where & who JR spends his week days with, this is our Nanny "Aunt" Carol. She's very good & loving with JR. We're so lucky to have found her, she's .25 miles away and only takes care of JR, so he's WAY SPOILED!!!!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Halloween RECAP

It was our first Halloween with our little man and I'm a little surprised how much more excited I was about it, even though he is so little & was still in bed at 7.

The people voted and he went as a little lion!
JR was the King of Halloween.....

The Rauls Family

JR and his own pumkin, with his Initials....

Sunday, November 2, 2008

JR's first 10K.....

As you can tell, JR's SUPER Excited to be running
with daddy!!!!
That's 6.2 miles for those of you metrically challenged....
JR took first in his age-group, 8months & under!
Dad took 2nd in his 30+ (while pushing the little dude)

If was a family affair: myself, JR, Katie, her mom and my momall ran......
It was my moms 1st 5k EVER and Mary Kay got on
the podium winning Silver.......Fun, Healthy Saturday morning~!
JR Medals!

That flat red line, is my heart rate! MAXED OUT!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Can you see me now?

JR and mom, getting into the Halloween spirit!