Friday, October 31, 2008 way.......


Thursday, October 30, 2008

Old Blanket.....

The blanket co-staring in this photo,
was made for me 30 years ago by my grandma'......
Now it's JR's and he loves playing on it!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008


We went to Romback, a pumpkin farm--
JR's a little small for everything, but countdown till next year!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Grandma's pal'

This photo's froma coupleweeks back,but I just came accross it......

Monday, October 27, 2008


JR loves the water, so much-

that everynight he cries when we take him out........

& YES- I know, he's really close to saying mumma......

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Kansas City Shout out!!!

I got a box the size of me in the mail!
Thanks- Will, Peter, Claire & Em
Love the book, dad read it to me and I tried to eat it!!!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Puppy Dog Eyes!

5 YEARS FROM NOW........
"I DONT KNOW....."

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


We had Katy Wolff come shoot JR's 6 month photo's--
Here are some of the proofs of her work, just wanted to share!
We won't give it away, but one of these may end up being
the Holiday Card from the Rauls Family.
If you're local and like her work, she can be contacted here:
or Katy Wolff Photography LLC 314-205-9699
Be Sure to tell her we sent you!

FAMILY NOTE: if you'd like a particular photo, let us know...

Monday, October 20, 2008

It Takes Balls....

Like a goofy face to a 7month old,
it's just funny to watch people fall down.....

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Ealry Morning run!

Kate heads out for an early morning run in Chicago--

Friday, October 17, 2008

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Chicago Marathon 26.3

We didn't even know the Chicago Marathon was being held this weekend,
but we had the perfect view from our room!
This was taken with my right hand, while in my PJ's, holding a cup of Coffee and talking to JR!
45,000 runners......It looked like this for over an hour & this is mile 1.5!
After a shower and another cup of coffee, we headed out to watch the Pro's run!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Momma & Joseph hitt'n' the streets to get a little shopping in!
You can't spend alot of money, shopping in 2hr incriments.....

Everywhere we went, Joseph was the center of attention.......

Monday, October 13, 2008

I'm the King of the WORLD!!!

We took a Family trip to Chicago this last weekend.
Joseph Loved the View from our room--
"Dad, all those people down there, look smaller than me!"
"OK, Hurry dad--I don't want to miss anything."

Yep- Looks the same, only darker....
A great Babysitter= Big window, 35 stories up!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Nana' reads BROWN BEAR BROWN BEAR to JR...........
A children's light hearted comedy about colored animals and "WHAT THEY SEE"

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


My sweet little girl, I mean boy......His laugh now has a "girlish" scream mixed in.....

He is so easily entertained. Everything I do seems to be funny. I was actually sweeping off the outdoor rug and he thought is was hilarious.........

Friday, October 3, 2008

Viewers choice!

We can't decide, so we're turning to the people for help........
I know I had way more fun doing this than JR did!!
Two of these will be going back and one will make the rounds for Halloween!!!!
Click on the comment and cast your vote

A- Tigger

B- Giraffe

C- the King of the jungle--Lion