Sunday, June 29, 2008

Popie & Me!

"only you, can prevent forest fire's." Popie (Metro Fire, Board President) takes a moment to educate JR on Fire Safety.......

Friday, June 27, 2008

Our Weekend plans include:

And that's about it.......

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Listen up!

JR's Got something to say........

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Happy Daddy's Day!!

I really like fathers day! What a great holiday, you don't get any older& you don't have to search for presents for anyone else........I got a nice bike ride in early and then my Baby's moma' made a big breakfast, followed by a nap with the boy and a very nice dinner!! Perfect Sunday!!!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Climbing abour AZ..

These are shots from our recent weekend getaway, where we thought it would be fun to hike the local peaks......One a very tough climb to the top of CamelBack, the other to the top of Squaw Peak...........We thought we were fit, till we starting climbing, what a great workout! PS- That's not the top, the one way of in the distance to the right, that's the top!! 1.5 miles up!

A look from the top of Squaw Peak.....Great View!!

Katie going up Camelback!! Very tough and rugged climb.......

Us on top!!

One mile to go!! If you like the outdoors, these are MUST DO's!!!

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The Man, the myth, the legend?

The photo of my desk (crazy as that is) was followed by many questions of, "What does Paul look like?" So here he is!! Sorry ladies, he's happily married!

I gave him ample time to pose, but he refused! I know your wondereing, "Is his desk always that messy?" The answer is yes!!! Except, if his wife's visits our office!!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Mom's Day out........well kinda'

Katie has officially returned to the "race scene". My baby's moma' joined s few of our friends for a open water swim race.........She swam a bit over 1mile & felt good after......Aunt Steph joined us and entertained JR........

Katie & Ghisallo race team member, Julie!

Aunt Stephanie & one happy Boy!!

Katie sights the finish!

Friday, June 6, 2008

What a baby.....

enough said....

Wednesday, June 4, 2008


JRwill go absolutly anywhere......Here we are at Lon's, a very nice resturant, in Scottsdale AZ....HIGHLY recommended. Our handy Garmin poped it up & refreshed Kates memory tht Donna D. said it's good& it was....One of the best meals We've ever had!!!!!

For those that know Katie, this is proof it was one good meal!!!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Good "Plane" Fun

JR took his first plane, sleep, repeat!!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

What Chu' look'n' at?

This is JR's new Bumbo chair......He likes it, but ony for about 5min at a time........