Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Two little feet.....

Everyone tells you, "how much your life is about to change." It used to irritate me, because it felt in a way they were saying "YOUR, life is over." In an odd way they were all correct, but very wrong at the same time...........These two little feet have forever changed our world, but our lives have just begun. The 30 mile rides after work, replaced with a quick run (maybe) & back to holding him as quick as possible......Our priorities have changed, we've changed, but we wouldn't change a thing!

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Poppie & Me

Like he's done this 4 times before.....who's more uncomfortable in the photo???

Saturday, April 26, 2008


Enough is enough, NO MORE PICTURES!!!!!

Friday, April 25, 2008


Possible side effects of overdosing on mama's good stuff-

  • Excessive burping

  • Mustard seed poop's

  • Loss of motor skills

  • Sudden mood swings, crying--to passed out....


.....and that's how we spend our evenings.......

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Grandpa, what's that?

Hey- Old Navy called, they want their radio back.....

Monday, April 21, 2008


Happy Birthday to me,
Happy Birthday to me,
Happy Birthday to me!!!

I offically turn 1 month Sunday!!!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

The camera adds 15 lbs?????

Question: "Do you think he's getting enough to eat?"

Answer: "ummmmm......seriously"

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

JR's domain.....

By popular demand, we give the people what they want---JR's room!!

Kate & that work thing!!

I thought Katie was being really good about not working, until I walked in on this!!

At least she's a multi-tasker!!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

All that laundry.......

With moma' being unable to walk up and down the stairs (again, Dr.'s orders???) Daddy's been in charge of all the laundry duties!!! It's been pretty easy & when you combine two chores in one, even better--gentle wash, line dry.........

Friday, April 11, 2008

MIZ-ZOU & Cycling

JR can do anything, be anything, love anything---as long as it's cycling (DAD) & the University of Missouri (MOM)...........

Quick shout out to Aunt Steph for the MU entertainment..


Momma's little "Prince" runs the house.....I came home the other day and he's watching cycling on my T.V...... dude?????

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Can you hear me now?

Uncle John visited this last weekend, to par take in Go St.Louis marathon, Dad (that's me) ran the half.......While Carb-O-loading, Joseph took time out of his buzy schedule to take some calls from his peep's (his cousin's) in K.C..

Co' Jo' (Cousin Joe) , they refer to him as, was excited to hear thier voice.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Driving Miss Daisy......

So after 3 weeks (Dr.'s orders) Katie is re-couped & ready to get behind to wheel. In the meantime, we had all the "minor" bumps and bruises fixed & her car is like new--at least for now..........

Friday, April 4, 2008

What to expect when you have a 2 week old.....

All the books in the world do not settle Mama's worries about what is "normal" for your new baby. We've yet to find the book that answers the questions......

  • what is he looking at?

  • how big, is a big poop?

  • can he actually survive, without being held 23hrs a day?

  • why does he pee on us, every time we take his diaper off?

  • Is it normal to be walking by 2 weeks old? Again, we think he's gifted!!

  • Is it normal for your wife to cry more than the baby?

April Showers!

April showers bring.......

no walks outside for Mama and baby JR! They can not wait to get out and about in the 'hood. We have five strollers to choose from, none of which have a single miles on them yet! Be in the lookout for a baby and baby mama soon!!!!!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Brown Bear, Brown Bear.....

So we read our first book. While I'm sure it will be more fun we he understands what were doing, I may need to hide this book. Brown bear, Brown bear what do you see......I see a "Crazy Daddy" babling something at me......

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Nana's prop puppet

Grandma Nana' finally found someone who can't roll their eyes or refuse Photo Time! So the following photo's are courtesy of photo happy Nana, not quit sure if that's love, fear or look of confusion on his face.