Sunday, March 30, 2008

Mama is Stir Crazy

It has been 15 days of being at home, no driving, no stairs, no chores... sounds great huh? Mama and JR are ready to get out and about.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Another Day of Mom "not working"

You can take the women out of the school, but you can't take the school out of her. She's doing better than I imagined, but can't resist the e-mail erge.

Meanwhile, JR's happy when momma's happy!!!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

March Madness

Having JR around the house puts real meaning into March Madness. He sleeps a ton, cry's very little and enjoys being held & loved. But after the morning feed, little love, slight nap it's time to do it again, then it's 10 at night and time for bed. It's a wonderful madness but leaves little time for the things you thought you needed to do and/or your favorite "stories" (like my grandma says). The biggest surprize, we could care less. So I apologize now to all our visitors, "Yes- I am wearing the same shirt as yesterday & the day before & the day before that.

O- yeah--Go Tar Heals!

OOOOoooooo yeahhhhhh, right there...right there....

Seriously, do these come in 155lb (ok 163lb) man version? This things does it all: music, vibrate, swings side-to-side, front-to-back, plays your IPOD and will make you a sandwich if you ask. JR's spoiled rotten, when he's not being held for that 8min/daily-He's hanging & swinging!!

POP QUIZ: Where is the first place an Ironman Dad, New Mom and 4-day old go when released from the hospital?
C: BABY's R US, for everything we don't have
D: McDonald's

ANSWER: "Ummmmm Super Size that Please!!!" If you guessed Mc' D's, you'd be correct. Good Ole' fashion grease' fries and a Big Mac' fill that; tired and/or hungry and/or sick of hospital food spot perfectly. Then we went home and watched our son sleep in his car seat, dinner and entertainment--Now That's a GREAT DAY!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Your Crib or mine???

JR, takes a 4 hour nap in his very own crib......At this rate we'll have that crib paid for when he's 13!

Dad Returns to work for the first time since JR's arrival, but mom's ready!!!

Another First!

JR takes his first bath, we think we may have a future 55min. Ironman swimmer, because he LOVES the water!! This little celebrity has flash bulbs "pop'n'" with every first! On the schedule for tomorrow, he'll actually spend some time in his own crib (if mom lets him).....

Monday, March 24, 2008

A Star is Born

JR's only four days old and was the feature of a News Channel 2 spot. His "Stage Parents" couldn't be more proud!! Feel Free to check out the link

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Egg-Stra' Special Easter!

After 4 days, 12 nurses, 7 Dr.'s, 36 diapers, 13 bad meals & lots of visitors--It's time to go home!! What a great and special Easter! JR's famous already, the news crew was here at 10am filming an Baby easter spot.....Lots to look forward to the next few weeks, it's amazing how much we think he's already changing, we'll keep ya posted! Aron, Kate & JR

Saturday, March 22, 2008

There is nothing better in this world, then the women of your dreams, loving the son of your dreams.......

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Family, Family, Family......

Lots and lots of visitors have some to see the cutest baby at St. Lukes!
More shots at our Family Photo's link!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Welcome "JR" Rauls

On March 19th at 8:06am, Joesph Robert "J.R." Rauls entered our crazy little world. He's absolutly gorgous, gifted and they say "he's got great cycling legs." Everyone is doing well, Katie and JR are sleeping & recovering now. JR weighed in at 8.20lbs, 22 inches long. Many Photos will follow on our PBASE photo site (hit the link to the right).

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Birthday Eve

we're anxiously awaiting the cry of our first born! Dads nervous, mom can't wait!